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Building Blocks
Learn the basics you'll need to start using Fiber.

Fiber works around three main building blocks:

  • Accounts represent third-party accounts belonging to your users
  • Destinations are where third-party data gets stored and
  • Syncs move data from accounts to destinations

Let's dig deeper using the example below:

An example Plaid integration via Fiber

Plaid is a popular universal API for accessing your customers' banking information. In the setup above, we're using Fiber to sync Transfer objects from a set of Plaid accounts into a destination table called plaid_transfers.

Notice that not every Plaid account is connected to the plaid-transfers sync. Fiber lets you choose which accounts to connect to any particular sync. This flexibility is useful when you want to gradually roll-out integration features, or more generally restrict them to a subset of your users.

Notice also that each account in the diagram corresponds to a Plaid Item, which is not the same as a Plaid Account. For every source API, Fiber picks the most convenient third-party resource to use as an account. For Plaid, it's Item. For Shopify, it's Shop. For Xero, it's Tenant. And so on.

Check out our source catalog to see how each source works.

You can create accounts, syncs and destinations using the Fiber dashboard or API, which we're gradually rolling out. Continue reading to learn more.

What's next?

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